In 2017, the new owners of Vulture City, historic site, (Rod and Robin) began an effort to reverse decades of decay to the unique stone and adobe structures of this once booming mining town. The team responsible for this painstaking work has been small, but their commitment and accomplishments have been huge. During the past four years over 18 structures have been authentically rebuilt and lovingly curated. In the words of Rod and Robin, the dedication and love that Stephen Cerutti (Operations Manager) and Tina B. (Curator and Guest Relations Manager) have given to the restoration of Vulture City, has forever changed its path. And now this team has another opportunity to preserve history and add to the rich experience of visiting Vulture City.

Due to the expansion of the separately owned gold mine, the historic “power house / engine room” and “processing plant” is directly in the path of development. These buildings need to be relocated to our historic site side of the fence. The mine owner has graciously offered Rod and Robin the opportunity to relocate these buildings, and their well preserved artifacts, into the heart of the old ghost town — a half mile journey. Although not a long distance, the process of documenting, disassembling, packing, moving and reassembling will be detailed, time consuming and costly.

To support Vulture City’s ongoing development and restoration work a new charitable foundation (Vulture City Preservation, Inc.) has been established and donations to preserve history can now be made by hitting the Donate button below.